New Titles |
Advanced Financial Management for C.A. Final by A.N. Sridhar |
Who is a Hindu? Hindu Revivalist Views of Animism, Buddhism, Sikhism, and Other Offshoots of Hinduism by Koenraad Elst |
In Defence of a Billion Hindus by Francois Gautire |
Gods, Sages and Kings: Vedic Secrets of Ancient Civilization by David Frawley |
The World of Fatwas or the Shariah in Action by Arun Shourie |
Saffron Awakening: Ayodhya to Adityanath by Prafull Goradia |
Being Hindu In Bangladesh: The Untold Story by Deep Halder, Avishek Biswas |
The Original Lynch Mob: The Untold Stories of Political Violence in West Bengal by Deba Pratim Ghatak |
My Transportation For Life by Veer Savarkar |
VISHWANATH RISES AND RISES: The Story of Eternal Kashi by Meenakshi Jain |
Hindu Dharma and the Culture Wars by Koenraad Elst |
Communal Violence and Propaganda by Koenraad Elst |
Windows Internals, Part 2 (Developer Reference) by Andrea Allievi, Alex Ionescu, Mark Russinovich |
Windows Internals, Part 1: System Architecture, Processes, Threads, Memory Management, and More by Brian Calin, Jamie Hanrahan, Mark E Russinovich |
Earth Democracy: Justice, Sustainability, And Peace by Vandana Shiva |
Guru Nanak And His Teachings For Humanity by Dr. Harshindar Kaur, Dr. Gurpal Singh |
Amritsar & Darbar Sahib by Dr. Harjinder Singh Dilgeer |
An Introduction to mathematical economics by D. Bose |
A Complete Set of All Four Vedas in Sanskrit-English and Transliteration (8Vols) by Dr. Tulsiram |
Total Quality Management by Dr K.C. Arora |
Sustainable Engineering by Dr Srinivas Vasam, Dr K. Jagannadha Rao |
Energy Management by Dr Sanjeev Singh, Umesh Rathore |
A Text Book of Business Management by Ritwik Haldar |
Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater, 24th Edition by William C. Lipps, Ellen Burton Braun-Howland, Terry E. Baxter |
C++ Programming Language, 4e by Bjarne Stroustrup |
Representations of Finite Groups by C.Musili |
Linear Algebra and Linear Models (3/E) by R. B. Bapat |
The Bachchans: A Saga Of Excellence by S.M.M. Ausaja |
Electronics (Hindi) by Vijay S. K. |
Crystallography Applied to Solid State Physics by Verma, A.R. |
Quantum Mechanics by Thankappan, V.K. |
Laser Systems and Applications (All India) by Srivastava, S.K. |
Laser Systems and Applications (AKTU) by Srivastava, S.K. |
Engineering Physics: Theory and Experiments (All India) by Srivastava, S.K. |
Engineering Physics : Theory and Experiments (AKTU) by Srivastava, S.K. |
Practical Physics (Electricity, Magnetism, Electronics and
Optics) by Srivastava, Anchal |
Engineering Physics (JNTU), Kakinada by Srinivasan, M.R. |
Engineering Physics (All India) by Srinivasan, M.R. |
Applied Solid State Physics: A Textbook on Materials Science by Srinivasan, M.R. |
Microwave Circuits and Passive Devices by Sisodia, M.L. |
Thermal and Statistical Physics by Singh, R.B. |
Elementary Mechanics of Solids by Singh, P.N. |
Applied Thermodynamics by Singh, Onkar |
Direct Energy Conversion and Prospective Technologies by Singal, R.K. |
Practical Physics by Shukla, R.K. |
Introduction to Quantum Mechanics by Sherwin, C.W. |
Engineering Physics: Theory and Experiments (RTU) by Sharma, S S |
Engineering Physics: Theory and Experiments (All india) by Sharma, S S |
Classical Electrodynamics by Sengupta, P. |
Electromagnetic Fields and Waves by Sarwate, V.V. |
A Primer of Special Relativity by Sardesai, P.L. |
Engineering Physics-I (As per Anna University) by Sankar, B.N. |
Engineering Physics-I (All India) by Sankar, B.N. |
Fundamentals of Engineering Heat and Mass Transfer (SI
Units) by Sachdeva, R. C. |
Nuclear Physics : Theory and Experiments by Roy, R.R. |
Introduction to Materials Handling by Ray, Siddhartha |
Modern Physics by Rao, B.V. Narayana |
Diagnostics and Failure Prevention in Turbo-Machine by Rangwala, A.S. |
Thermodynamics and Thermal Engineering by Rajadurai, J. Selwin |
Engineering Mechanics by Raghunath, H.M. |
Textbook of Engineering Physics by Pillai, S.O. |
Solid State Physics by Pillai, S.O. |
Modern Physics and Solid State Physics: Problems and Solutions by Pillai, S.O. |
Essentials of Engineering Physics by Pillai, S.O. |
Engineering Physics-II (Anna University) by Pillai, S.O. |
Engineering Physics-II (All India) by Pillai, S.O. |
Engineering Physics (JNTU-Hyderabad) by Pillai, S.O. |
Applied Physics by Pillai, S.O. |
Fundamentals of Fibre Optics in Telecommunication and
Sensor Systems by Pal, Bishnu P. |
A Textbook on Professional Ethics and Human Values (JNTU) by Naagarazan, R.S. |
JEE Main Plus! Physics by Mishra, D.K. |
Advanced Analytical Dynamics of a Practical by Mandal, Arun Kumar |
Laboratory Manual for Introductory Electronics Experiments by Maheshwari, L. K. |
Engineering Physics -II (Theory and Experiments) (RTU) by Ladiwala, G.D. |
Digital Signal Processing by Kumar, B. |
Aptitude Test Problems in Physics by Krotov, S.S. |
Strength of Materials by Kothari, D.P. |
Electrical Circuit Analysis and Synthesis by Kothari, D.P. |
Nuclear Radiation Detectors by Kapoor, S.S. |
Superconductivity by Kakani, S.L. |
Nanotechnology by Kakani, S.L. |
Nanoscience and Nanotechnology by Kakani, S.L. |
Nanoscale Transistors by Kakani, S.L. |
Nanoelectronics by Kakani, S.L. |
Material Science by Kakani, S.L. |
Fundamentals of Nanoscience by Kakani, S.L. |
Engineering Materials by Kakani, S.L. |
Electronics: Theory and Applications by Kakani, S.L. |
Carbon Nanotubes by Kakani, S.L. |
Advances in Optics: Modern Optics by Kakani, S.L. |
A Textbook of Electronics by Kakani, S.L. |
Physical Foundations of Materials Science by Kakani S L |
Problem in General Physics by Irodov IE |
Basic Laws of Electromagnetism by Irodov IE |
IIT-JEE Physics Solved Papers by Gupta, S.C. |
Electromagnetic Field and Waves by Gupta, Navneet |
Classical Mechanics of Particle and Rigid Bodies by Gupta, K.C. |
Advanced Strength of Materials by Ghosh, D. |
A Textbook of Strength of Materials by Ghosh, D. |